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Three Reasons Why You Should Look for a Shared Vision in Your Work

Picture the typical job seeker; they are most probably concerned with finding the right balance of qualifications and skills which let them find work at the appropriate income level. Now contrast this with the employer; the hiring manager is certainly after skills, but is also looking for people who are a good fit for the organization. Although culture can be instilled through immersion, from a business perspective, looking for people and partners who already share at least part of your vision from the outset can be vital to ensuring team success. Here’s why anyone can benefit from applying this principle towards success in their individual efforts.

Improved outcomes

Businesses are constantly on the lookout for better ways to achieve the desired results. In many aspects, a company will have to rely on its partners to provide raw materials, handle out-of-scope processes, or address gaps in skills and knowledge. Thus, any business can greatly benefit from working with partners who share their values and vision. Innovative aerospace companies with exacting specifications would want suppliers who don’t just churn out high-volume products, but continually update and invest in precision technology, such as multi-axis manufacturing. As individuals, we can all feel let down when working with someone whose standards of quality are lower, or who may not be as invested in a project due to different priorities; sometimes, we might be guilty of being that person when we don’t feel enthusiastic about what we’re doing. By ensuring that all involved are aligned in terms of vision, the outcome of any endeavor can be improved.

Greater efficiency and synergy

employees discussing

The influence of a shared vision doesn’t just apply to team success, though; it extends to the ways in which results are obtained. The various small processes and tasks in any team effort are accomplished through a mixture of collaboration and feedback; in this sense, every team member can be likened to the different parts of an orchestra. Each member can perform music as an individual, but only when they work in sync and are aware of how they relate to the whole can the collective achieve harmony. With a common vision, people will be unafraid to speak up, voice their suggestions, and raise concerns; they also tend to maximize their talents and perform at a higher level. Overall, this increases group efficiency and synergy, making the team more than the sum of its parts.

Individual satisfaction and purpose

Communicating and sharing a vision may translate into better performance and results, but that’s not the only benefit it provides. At the most basic, grassroots level, when each individual buys into the group vision, they can simply feel happier. People don’t like to be defined solely by what they do – if you’ve ever felt annoyed at being asked “what do you do?” in social interactions, you understand that there’s something missing from that question. We all want to align the things we do with a greater purpose, and a successful shared vision provides that missing “why”; it can help people find meaning, express pride in and take ownership of what they do.

Knowing the power of a shared vision, you’ll be able to benefit from aligning your values as an individual or communicating purpose as a leader, finding more success and fulfilment in all of your endeavors.

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