Drone preparing to fly over the city

5 Alternate Uses for Drones Other Than Performing Military and Surveillance Functions

Drones are not exactly a new thing but you have to admit that seeing one in flight is still an impressive sight, especially when it’s in action. You’ve probably seen them used often for military purposes or surveillance in movies and TV shows.

You’ve probably seen how drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), work for snooping on the bad guys in Bad Boys for Life and how they rigged it with firepower for the movie’s final fight scene. It was also implied in 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi that drones are the CIA’s eyes in the sky in Libya.

Drones have several functions aside from military and surveillance. While it’s cool to see drones function in ways that protect people from the bad guys, they are now being used for other more humane and friendlier functions such as commercial drone services in the UK.

We have listed a few important functions that UAVs perform under different circumstances.

5 Uses for Drones Other Than Military and Surveillance

1. Filming and Shooting

UAVs have revolutionized the way movies are made. Where before production outfits rented cranes for high-level shots and choppers for aerial shots, drones have now taken their place. This is more cost-efficient, plus the technology gives the director more control over their shot selections.

The Federal Aviation Administration has only approved the use of commercial drones for movie and TV production in 2015 but outfits have been using the technology prior to the FAA’s approval.

2. Scanning Landscape and Topography

Drones have proven quite useful in surveying vast areas of land. These services have proven especially valuable to real estate, architecture and construction, agriculture, and other similar industries and fields of interest.

3. Disinfecting City Blocks

In light of the global health crisis we’re faced with today, some governments have decided to utilize drones as a disinfecting device for their cities.

Pasig City in the Philippines has been reported to have used UAV technology in disinfecting its streets and neighborhoods following China and Spain who both have taken the same strategy.

4. Emergency Services

Certain drones have been outfitted as ambulance drones that respond to certain health emergencies such as cardiac arrests and heart attacks. These drones are designed with a two-way radio and advanced first aid kits to help someone nearby administer first aid to the victim.

The use of drones has also helped firefighters monitor wildfires. It gives them vital information that helps them concentrate their efforts where it is needed the most.

5. Deliveries

white drone hovering in a bright blue sky

Jeff Bezos was onto something when he came up with Amazon Prime Air. Designed to get lightweight packages (55 pounds, including the drone) straight to your doorstep within 30 minutes, the program still has plenty of room for growth and expansion.

While it was initially meant for deliveries to rugged and remote areas, utilizing the service in an urban setting is fast becoming a reality especially during this time of pandemic and lockdown.

The future offers a lot of other great possibilities for drones to help individuals and corporations to get work done at a faster and much more efficient rate while lowering their risks and liabilities.

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