Injured man after car collision

The Aftermath: Common Injuries in a Car Accident and What to Do

Millions of car accidents occur in the United States every year. While some are fatal, others involved survivable injuries. That being said, it cannot be denied that the economic losses can be terrible. However, victims can have the option to seek personal and property damages with the help of an attorney with expertise in car accident injuries. Take, for example, that in Denver, there are certain things one must be aware of when it comes to the trauma involved in vehicular mishaps.

The Significance of a Medical Evaluation

In many instances where the injury is not obvious, some of the people involved in a car crash choose to go home and sleep it off. This is the worst decision a car injury survivor can make. Anyone who has been part of an accident on the road, no matter how minor the issue, must see a doctor. Apart from ensuring that there are no injuries, a medical evaluation is critical for future claims of compensation. Neglecting to seek medical advice is a huge mistake, so as much as one can, it is very much advisable to go straight to a doctor after an accident on the road.

Possible Minor Injuries in Motor Vehicle Accidents

When one crashes into a post or the back of another car, the vehicle’s interior could be filled with projectiles. Any loose object inside the vehicle could break your skin, cause cuts that bleed, or lead to bruising. Minor scrapes and cuts should not be a problem, but one would need further examination to ascertain that the accident didn’t lead to injuries like a stress fracture. This is among the more common of injuries, as colliding with the steering wheel or dashboard is a usual occurrence in car accidents. Additionally, never dismiss a cut when there is profuse bleeding. An important artery may have been injured, and your life may be in danger from excessive blood loss.

Another relatively manageable problem is whiplash. It is one of the injuries associated with motor vehicle collisions. The rapid back and forth movement of the neck may be too much for the bone, connective tissue, or muscle to withstand. Stiffness, pain, and worsening symptoms are typical signs of whiplash. Do not dismiss these symptoms if you are involved in a car accident as a driver or passenger. Whiplash should heal over time, but undiagnosed and untreated problems could make the condition more severe, and sometimes, life-threatening.

Injuries That May Require Additional Medical Care

Couple reading a document about woman's injury

Even if one did not hit their head on a fixed object, the sheer forces involved in head-on collisions may cause a concussion. Temporary loss of consciousness, a feeling of intense pressure on the head, pain, and dizziness are red flags. An intensive neurological evaluation may be necessary when a concussion is suspected, or when there are signs of obvious head injury. When the head itself is injured with lacerations, a doctor is likely to recommend additional tests to determine the extent of injury and the direction of treatment. Serious brain damage can be expected when extreme forces are involved.

Apart from the head, chest injuries are also common in vehicular accidents, particularly when passengers are not wearing seatbelts, or when airbags fail to deploy. Anyone with a suspected injury to the chest and lungs would be advised to undergo further medical testing and evaluation.

Figuring in an accident is truly an unfortunate event, and while it can be expensive to deal with, it really is the most important to see a licensed physician. One must undergo a medical evaluation after experiencing a mishap on the road. Every situation is different, and one must be examined by a physician to determine the type of injury, specific diagnosis, and medical management needed.

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