
Preparing Your Business Card and COVID-safe Alternatives

Your business is only as successful as the first impression you make. People feel more compelled to try your products or services if the presentation is attractive and the contact information is readily available.

If you want to attract more customers, it’s time to get those foil-stamped business cards ready. Print reasonably sized cards that feature your name and contact details. Make sure the design reflects your brand identity. Match the preferences of your target audience, whether they’re looking for something professional or a more laid-back tone. Be ready with a virtual alternative, too.

What are Good Alternatives to Business Cards?

The coronavirus situation and social distancing measures have made everyone realize how convenient the digital sphere is. Businesses understand how e-commerce helps them reach more customers. Consumers, on the other hand, are more appreciative of the convenience of online shopping.

In an increasingly digital environment, you have to step your game up and be more visible to the online community. Optimize your online business cards. Make sure they’re visible and updated.

What are the things that might be considered as online business cards?

  • Google My Business listing

Google My Business is arguably the best way to boost your Google business profile and make your business more visible to your target audience. It includes essential information like your business name, address, and contact information. It can also be connected to Google Maps.

There’s no way to decorate your GMB listing the same way you can personalize your business cards. Just make sure your information is accurate and updated. This helps you score some points with Google’s search engine algorithm and be more visible on search results.

  • Social media profiles

Another way you can introduce your business is through your social media profiles. LinkedIn is a prime example of a social media platform that gives people a preview of your business. But in addition to LinkedIn, maximize your presence on the platforms your audience uses the most.

You have more room to personalize your profile on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Optimize your social media content to connect better with your audience.

  • Business website

MeetingPhysical business cards often indicate your business website so that potential customers know where to go when they want to look up your products or services. In the online community, however, your website is your business card. The home page, in particular, is essential.

How do you want your customers to contact you? Do you prefer email, calls, or text messages? Be specific about these things on the strategically placed calls-to-action on your website.

  • Email signature

Finally, if you want to keep things simple, focus on your email signature. It creates the perfect chance to let people know who’s talking to them. It reinforces your brand identity every time you reply to customer concerns. As a result, it established brand recognition and customer trust.

Make sure your email signature has your business logo and contact information. Like traditional business cards, these can be customized for each employee.

If you want your business to succeed, make it easy for people to find you. Connect better with potential customers through a meticulously designed business card or any of these digital alternatives.

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