couple reviewing divorce papers

Living Together Even After Divorce? Read This

It’s not surprising that many divorced couples choose to remain in the family home. In most instances, it’s due to money issues. As you know, going into court to end a marriage is draining not just emotionally but financially, too.

Some people find it hard to move out of the house, find their own space, and bear all the financial burden of mortgage, utilities, maintenance, repairs, etc. So, they agree with their exes to live in the same home and share expenses until they’re able to achieve a more stable financial position.

In other instances, exes choose to stay because of parenting matters. It’s not a secret that divorce takes a toll on children’s well-being. A huge part of the negative impact comes from the very fact that a parent leaves the family home. It shakes up kids’ sense of security and makes them feel more guilty about their parents breaking up.

Yes, there’s visitation and constant communication in the process, but it’s still different when children are able to drop by their dad’s home office and find him there whenever they need something. Thus, divorced couples choose to live together not for their own sake primarily, but for the children’s welfare.

If you’re still in the process of preparing divorce papers, grab every opportunity to reduce the dent on your finances, as well as the impact of divorce on your kids. Any experienced family law attorney in Colorado Springs, CO would tell you that if you can settle things out of court, do it. If you have an amicable separation, mediation can help. This is generally less expensive than litigation and less hurtful for the children involved.

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Why It’s Complicated

It makes sense to live together even after divorce when you look at it from the perspective of finances and co-parenting. But this doesn’t make the setup easier. If at all, it becomes a little bit more complicated. Just imagine the “logistics” of it: how will you divide up the house? How will you use common areas without awkwardness? Will you have to pinpoint whose stuff is in the kitchen or the living room?

The answer to all these depends on your agreement with your ex. From the get-go, you both should be on the same page. For instance, you can create a schedule of use of common areas so that you won’t have to run into each other all the time. Of course, you should be able to agree as well which are your personal spaces.

It’s not only in the logistics of living together that makes this setup complicated. There could be legal issues as well. Like for example, will you still pay for child support and alimony? If you and your partner will be sharing in the mortgage payment, who gets the tax deductions? It’s best if you can settle such issues before your divorce is finalized.

Are you considering living together even after divorce? If you’re doing it for the kids and finances, good. But make sure to prepare well for the issues you might encounter along the way.

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