small house concept

Better Living in a Smaller Home

“Bigger is better” is a proverb that a lot of us have grown up with. It means exactly as how it reads — things that are bigger are likely to be better than their smaller counterparts. While this may apply to plenty of situations, it doesn’t mean that it’s always true. There are some circumstances where bigger isn’t always better, like in housing.

This may sound quite jarring considering how aspiring homeowners dream to have a big house (or a mansion) these days. However, small home living can prove to be beneficial for those looking into purchasing their second house.

Before locating a mortgage lender in Naples, consider the advantages of downsizing first.


A house that’s about 2,400 square meters would have multiple rooms, sometimes split between two or three levels. All of these rooms need electricity for lighting and appliances all year round. Heating and air conditioning, too, if the weather conditions require it. Lastly, water lines for bathrooms and other water fixtures.

Considering the amount of space that has to be covered, it isn’t surprising that it takes a lot of power to keep such a house running. Not to mention the bills that accompany this power. This is less of a worry with a smaller 1,200-square meter house with a single level, two bedrooms, and compact common areas.

Less Maintenance

home maintenanceTenants and owners of apartments and condominiums only need to pay close attention to the space inside their units. Homeowners have double that responsibility since houses also require outdoor maintenance to remain in tiptop condition.

A bigger home, especially those with multiple levels, comes with a long list of chores to be accomplished to remain in good health and pleasing to the eyes. Larger roofs to clear up, more wall space to clean and repaint at times, and plenty of fixtures like windows and doors to wipe down.

As for the indoor situation, having more rooms means more space to take up and move around in. However, it also entails greater responsibility to keep these rooms clean and spotless.

While homeowners are welcome to hire help to complete these tasks, doing so will only add to the already hefty bill that comes with living in a big house. Those who live in smaller homes will have fewer responsibilities when it comes to upkeep, and a smaller bill if they do hire workers to get the job done.


Smaller homes are cheaper than houses measuring more than 1,500 square meters. Depending on the lifestyle, they often come with less expensive utility bills, too. It doesn’t stop there, though.

Having fewer rooms and compact spaces results in creativity being put to the test. One cannot design a small house the same way as a bigger one due to size constraints, which leads to fewer furniture being spent on. Instead, statement pieces and multi-functional furniture are utilized most in these kinds of home.

Small home living may not be for every type of family, but it is helpful for those who can adapt and live comfortably with limited spaces. Not only does the entire household grow more intimate, but they also get to save a lot of money to be used on other things for a long while.

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