Employee working

The Next Step: A Brick-and-mortar Office for Your Small Business

Starting a small business has its intricacies–from thinking of a business name, filing documents, marketing, etc. As the business grows, more aspects need attention because of the potential of expanding its scope and services. Whether it is additional employees or the need to meet with client demands, the business has to adapt to its growth.

One way to do this is by starting an office. For small businesses, having an office boosts the professional image, especially because there’s a consistent place to hold meetings with clients. It also absolves the home office from overuse.


Because the primary reason for putting up an office is to have a brick-and-mortar location, the physical aspects of the place should be a priority. These characteristics would vary depending on the nature of transactions and the environment the company wants to foster within the office.

For example, to encourage collaboration, an open layout would be ideal. Employees who have more administrative work, taking on calls and private matters, would need their private spaces. This is why flexibility and room for improvement are necessary for office space. Who knows? You might need a mix of both.

Prepare Your Funds

When acquiring a space, the business can look at rent when they’re looking at more changes in the future. On the other hand, they can take the risk of acquiring a property and be smart about it by looking for the best mortgage rates.

Upon deciding on the office space, the customization and furnishing of the area will follow. This would mean renovations and also incorporating the branding of the company into the interior design. It’s important to note that the physical aspects of the office have an impact on the work environment of the employees.

Perhaps, the most strain on the budget would be technology. Not only are computers essential to every employee, but other programs needed for everyday use would need licenses. Fortunately, websites usually have rates for businesses to help them maximize the use depending on the price. These programs include extra features like more storage, more users, more connectivity, etc.

Think About Work Environment

Employee meeting

At the end of the day, employees should not be an afterthought when thinking about moving to an office space. There are four main components of the work environment:

  • Workplace culture: The overall feel of the office. Is it serious and professional or fun and youthful?
  • Physical environment: Employees’ surroundings should be stress-free as well. This means no clutter, no exposed wires, no molds, or any other hazards.
  • Health and lifestyle practice: An employee is most likely to stay when they feel like the company cares for their well-being. This can be enforced by showing that the administration cares for their mental health, providing paid leaves, or even just adding healthy options to the pantry.
  • Supportive workplace environment: The work environment should encourage interaction and developing relationships between everyone, as this is the key for collaboration and great teamwork.

Fostering a good work environment ensures that employees are happy and satisfied. According to a study, happy employees are 13% more productive. These employees are also more creative and provide better customer service. All these point to a greater benefit to the business, as it entails quality and efficient workflow.

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