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Home Upgrades That Can Increase Your Home’s Value

Adding value to your house is always a good idea. Whether you want to make your home more desirable to the housing market or simply want to make it more beautiful and functional, increasing the value can always pay off. However, you should know that not all home renovations and upgrades are the same. Some will give you a return on your investment, while others will not. Here are some ways you can increase your home’s value.

Boost Curb Appeal

A homeowner can easily add to their home’s value by enhancing its curb appeal. While the project may vary from each person because there are different ways you can improve your curb appeal, it is a wise move to make. There are many ways you can do it, too. For instance, you can upgrade the exterior of your home by repainting the walls and repairing the roof. You can also make sure your yard looks beautiful by creating a garden or adding a patio.

Install a New Heating System

Upgrading your central heating system is an excellent way to boost the value of your house. If you have an old home, chances are you have an outdated heating system or none at all. Updating or adding a central heating system will give you more value than what you pay for through energy savings. While you’re at it, find other ways to make your home more efficient. For instance, you can seal doors and windows to get rid of any drafts. You can also replace windows with more energy-efficient options, especially if the old windows are beyond repair.

buying a new house

Add a Deck

Increasing the liveable square footage of your home is a fantastic way to boost the value of your home. You can achieve it by adding a deck. You can get a good return on this project (depending on what materials you use) by hiring a contractor to create one. If your existing deck looks a bit shabby, you can call a handyman in Orem or wherever you live to help you make a few repairs. Do not forget to protect your deck from wood rot, as well.

Finish the Basement

As mentioned earlier, increasing your home’s liveable square footage is great for your home’s value. You may not realize it, but you have an unused room in your home waiting to be utilized — your basement. But the basement is often not ready to be used immediately. You need to finish it to make it more suitable for your needs. Then, you can turn your basement into anything you want — it can be an entertainment room, a guest bedroom, or a home gym.

Fix Structural Problems

If a prospective buyer spots a structural issue in your home, they will not want to put down an offer for your house. Plus, structural problems could make your house deteriorate, which is something that nobody wants. While the cost of repairing structural issues could be expensive, it is well worth it to extend the longevity of your home. Some structural defects that you may find are insect infestations, collapsed slabs or floors, or a leaking or sagging roof.

You need to be wise if you want to renovate your home to increase its value. You can try out any of the ideas above to boost your home’s value!

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