Divorce papers

Do-It-Yourself Divorce: Is It Possible?

Historically, divorce has always been a touchy subject, not just from a political or social standpoint, but also from a legal perspective and religious perspective. At least one country outlaws divorce as a status that cannot be broken once two individuals agree on the terms of marriage.

For the most part, people are looking for a quick answer to this question. The short answer would be: Yes, it is possible. The longer answer to this question is: there’s a lot of thought that needs to be placed into this legal process.

Since divorce can be a tricky topic, you can always ask for consultation from your divorce attorney. The process will be much more comfortable and smoother with the help of a professional.

Are You a Candidate?

First and foremost, you’ll need to ask yourself if you are in a position to be a candidate:

  1. You and the other party are in mutual agreement of the current situation. Your spouse agrees to the property’s division, the custody of the child, and who will be providing much-needed financial support.
  2. Ensure that you are confident that you have all the information needed on your family’s belongings and taxation issues that need to be attended to.
  3. You agree with the arrangement and deem it as reasonable and fair.

Checklist Of What You’ll Need

Like every other legal process out there, filing for a divorce can be a hectic process and usually take a bit of time. Since there’s a multitude of different factors that need to be taken into account, you must have a checklist to ensure that everything is well-laid and planned.

Talk to Professionals First

Even though it is possible to serve court filings by yourself, it doesn’t hurt to talk to a professional when it comes to legal circumstances.

Divorce can be a tricky matter, and it’s only logical that you consult a divorce attorney beforehand. Most of the time, these professionals will offer their first consultations for free and help you connect with other experts.

Having professional supervision or much-needed information will help with the process, especially when you need the guidance of a vetted lawyer by your side.

Online Divorce Services

If you’re currently in another town or country, there are online services that help their clients through the internet. Frequently, these domains will use paid media services to boost their engagement with their clients.

But other than that, you’ll fill out questionnaires on their website, and the documents will then be mailed to you a few days (or weeks) later. However, you’ll still need to file the forms with yourself.

Professional Composure

We understand that the process of a DIY divorce is meant to help save up money. But first, it’s essential to research the law of your state, gather the right documentation, and ensure that you are present during your court filings.

Although filing for divorce might be a legal process, it can also be emotionally taxing for a lot of individuals. As such, you will need to maintain your composure to go with the flow — even if it is a roller coaster of emotions, to begin with.

You don’t necessarily need to be professional, but it’s still essential to have a proper demeanor when you are in the courtroom.

Reach a Middle Ground

There will be instances that you and your spouse will disagree on an issue or two. Sometimes, this can lead to the fallout of communication. Usually, some of these issues come in the form of visitation rights.

Although you might get put-off due to some issues, it’s still recommended that you don’t give up on the process. There is always a chance that both parties can achieve a resolution through a mediator.

Having a mediator can provide closure to a divorce. If emotions are creating a gap in communication, most individuals can implore counselors to the matter.

Solve Tax Issues

Signing divorce papers

It’s best not to overlook issues in taxes when it comes to divorce. Before you sign off when filing your divorce, it’s best to consult a financial advisor or an account regarding this matter.

While it’s possible to have a do-it-yourself divorce, it’s still important to note that having at least one or two professionals by your side. When it comes to the law, professionals attorneys and lawyers have been studying for years to ensure that you don’t get into any legal entanglements. Although divorce might be an end to the marriage of your spouse, remember that no one is an island, and if you do need help, there will always be someone that can help you.

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