HMI Technology

Considerations when Choosing an HMI Solution

In the manufacturing world, companies need to use fewer resources to carry out more tasks for the sake of customer satisfaction. They also have stiff competition that the competitors must live up to remain relevant in the market. This great demand and pressure on manufacturers are pushing them to embrace automation in their processes. Human machine interface programming solutions combine both software and hardware to enable users in the connection, monitoring and control of the automated equipment in the industry.

Over the years, there has been a revolution in the available HMI solutions with the latest solutions offering many capabilities. Originally HMI solutions replaced push-buttons. However, these solutions can access automatic machines, troubleshoot problems, and enable communication between devices:

With the new devices hitting the market with new features, manufacturers have vast options of devices to choose from. The process of selecting an ideal HMI solution becomes quite a task. The factors that one should put into consideration when making a choice includes the one who will be using the equipment. The buyer can be end users or a manufacturer who focuses on system design and later sells the equipment.

The key consideration that HMI programming experts advise buyers in Utah to take during the process of selection include:

The HMI Solution Provider

Ultimately, manufacturers need to obtain their solutions from a provider. You should choose a provider who has a track record of providing reliable solutions to the clients. An appropriate solutions provider should incorporate the latest technologies in their design process. The solutions they provide should be compatible with the existing systems in the manufacturer’s premises.

Screen Size

men tooking at a tablet

The size of the screen of the HMI is a big consideration for anyone looking to buy a solution. The size of the screen will depend on the manufacturing process in control and the complex nature of the manufacturing machine. HMI solutions are available in different screen sizes. A large screen size shows more data and complex information. Applications that are less complex require a smaller screen. The larger the size, the higher the cost of purchase.

Communication Requirements

HMI panels act as the gateway—the communication mechanism to the control system. Therefore, it ought to support different protocols that will be the bridge between resource planning and control application. The HMI solution should also offer the necessary connectivity for communication purposes. It is important that you identify the communication networks that the HMI solution should be in contact with.

The Environment

Once you adopt an HMI solution in your manufacturing premise, it will not be long before the solution adapts to the environment in your premises. How is the environment of your manufacturing premises? Will you place the solution indoors or outdoors? The environment will dictate the kind of elements that the solution will be exposed to. There are different solutions which are suitable for different environmental conditions.

There are multiple factors that any individual or manufacturer looking for HMI programming solutions in Utah should look into. Regardless of what choice the purchaser makes, it is essential that the HMI solution helps the manufacturer achieve maximum productivity. After obtaining maximum efficiency from machines, a manufacturer can manage their assets effectively.

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