online job

5 Great Things to Do Online During This Lockdown Season

With everyone locked up at home during this pandemic, a lot of folks are wondering what they will do at home with all their free time.

Not everyone wants to spend all their time browsing through Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Some of them would still want to be productive during this time.

5 Things You Can Do Online to Keep You Productive During Lockdown


1. Pick up a new skill or two.

Now is the best time to learn a new skill given all the time you have now. Whether it’s for trade or hobby, learning something new will help temporarily keep your mind off the chaos brought about by the pandemic.

There are a lot of online classes and tutorials available for different skills and interests. Draw up a shortlist of new things you want to learn. Photography, cooking, magic tricks, a new language, troubleshooting automotive problems, video editing, whatever floats your boat.

2. Touch base with friends and family.

Social media is not just good for posting status updates and selfies. It was actually meant to keep people connected.

When Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook from his university dormitory, the intention was to have Harvard students use their “.edu” email addresses to connect with each other.

In light of the current pandemic and social distancing, using social media platforms to check on and keep in touch with your loved ones is the best thing to pass the time and stay connected.

father and son talking with relative

3. Get an online job.

With companies and businesses shut down indefinitely to keep people off the streets, a lot of establishments have adopted work-from-home programs to keep their business going and keep people employed.

Unfortunately, not every one locked up in their homes now has the same privileges. Instead of moping around doing nothing, why don’t you be proactive about it and look for a job online to help see you through this tough time?

There is an abundance of freelance work that you will find online that will allow you to do remote work.

4. Make a blog or vlog and keep producing content.

This does not just make for a good pastime activity, but it also has great potential in making you a good deal of money, depending on your content.

There are several reasons why people like creating content for their blog sites. Maintaining a blog or vlog is helpful in expressing your thoughts and opinions. It helps some people deal with stress and difficulties creatively.

You can produce content that’s entertaining to cheer people up or you if you’re knowledgable about an aspect of PC repair, you can talk to your audience in Salt Lake City, Albuquerque or Reno about troubleshooting typical PC problems.

5. Work or study.

Simply because we’re under quarantine and social distancing doesn’t mean we lose all sense of normalcy. Those who are privileged to still be employed at this season and are allowed to do remote work, you already have your hands full.

If you are a student, education doesn’t stop. Schools and universities are transitioning to home school programs so that the student’s learning is not compromised by the pandemic.

Establish a routine for remote work or homeschooling to get the most out of it. Be responsible for your time.

Do not let this lockdown period take away from your ability to be productive and fruitful by just lying in bed or just browsing through your phones or playing video games. Even if this season gives us enough time to rest, do your best to still make the most out of it by keeping yourself purposefully occupied.

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