a person working on their laptop

Work on the Go: A Freelancer’s Starter Kit for Better Mobility

The freelance lifestyle is becoming more and more popular for a variety of reasons. Perhaps the biggest perk of freelancing is the freedom it affords. You can take on projects as they come, choose your hours, and work from anywhere possible.

However, you must first ensure you can work remotely, making it necessary to invest in the right tools. You might be free from the traditional 9-5 work setup, but you will miss out on company equipment provisions—those things you will have to procure on your own.

It might be an expensive task, but it can set you up for a freelancing career that will allow you to enjoy traveling around the globe. With the right tools in your arsenal, mobility can also give you an edge over the competition and help you work smarter, not harder.

Here are a few essentials to help you stay productive while on the go.

High-Quality Laptop

If you want to freelance, you need a good laptop. Something lightweight and portable yet powerful enough to handle everything you need to do. Look for something with long battery life and a bright screen. A touchscreen can also come in handy, allowing you to use apps and software more efficiently. However, remote working will put a lot of strain on your laptop, so you will need one that can withstand long hours of use. Look for a durable model with long battery life—you don’t want to be tethered to a power outlet all day.

The laptop is a freelancer’s top tool and will be your primary connection to the outside world. Without one, you won’t be able to do much work. It will be your portal to online project management software, your way of accessing client files, and how you deliver completed projects. It will also be how you stay in touch with colleagues and clients.

Unfortunately, a laptop might not be enough for your work. You might have plenty of software to use, and one monitor might not also be enough to make your work efficient. However, having a full-built PC will make it impossible for you to perform remote work anywhere. Fortunately, you can purchase a portable custom mini PC instead. Couple it with a small portable monitor and you can have a more powerful setup for your freelancing career.

Portable Charger

A must-have for anyone who relies on their phone for work, a portable charger will keep you connected even when there’s no outlet to be found. It’s ideal for long days out meeting clients or working in coffee shops and other public places. An excellent portable charger should be able to charge your phone at least once, if not more.

Look for a compatible charger with your phone—not all chargers are created equal. Some can only work with specific devices, so ensure you get one that will work with yours. Going for the cheapest option might be tempting, but a high-quality charger is worth the investment.

A Portable Router

If you’re going to be working from coffee shops or other public places, you might find yourself in need of a portable router. This nifty little device will give you a private and secure connection to the internet, allowing you to work without worrying about someone stealing your information.

Most portable routers come with Wi-Fi capability, so all you need is an internet connection, and you’re good to go. Many also can create a virtual private network (VPN), which can encrypt your data and keep prying eyes from seeing what you’re doing online.


A freelancer using headphones

You never know when you’ll need to hop on a video call or join a conference call. Headphones will help minimize background noise and make hearing the person on the other end easier. They’re also great for listening to music or podcasts when you need to focus.

When choosing headphones, comfort is essential—you’ll be wearing them for long periods. Look for a pair that won’t hurt your ears after extended use and that comes with a microphone if you plan on using them for calls. It would be best if you also considered wireless headphones to avoid staying tethered to your laptop.

Top-of-the-Line Smartphone

A smartphone is another essential tool for mobile freelancers. It will come in handy for various tasks, from keeping track of your schedule to sending out invoices and checking your email. Look for a phone with a large screen that will make it easy to view documents and websites. A long-lasting battery is also critical since you’ll use your phone all day.

And don’t forget about security—an excellent freelancing smartphone should have a fingerprint sensor or biometric security to protect your data. With so much of your work life on your phone, you can’t afford to take any chances.


There you have it—a freelancer’s starter kit for better mobility. With these tools, you’ll be well on your way to working from anywhere.

But this is just the beginning. The world of mobile freelancing is constantly evolving, so stay up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies. And who knows? Maybe one day, you’ll be the one teaching others how to work on the go.

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