driving in the curve

Vehicle Innovations that Can Change the World

Some types of technology can overcome the world. Cars are a perfect example. When Ford learned to mass-produce Model T, the company began the automotive industry. These vehicles boosted the need for aftermarket supplies.

Many also credit the car as the one that democratized ownership. Because they were affordable, more Americans were able to buy them and travel comfortably at longer distances. With them, the traditional horse-and-buggy eventually became outdated. The automotive industry, though, doesn’t rest on such success only. Instead, it continues to innovate and introduce new technologies that will challenge and improve society:

1. Electric Vehicles

The demand for e-vehicles surged in 2018. During the second quarter, its global sales hit more than 350,000. It was an increase of over 75% compared to the previous year, according to Bloomberg NEF.

The same team also forecasts that the industry can sell 11 million units in 2025 and more than double the figure by 2030. Many factors can drive the growth of e-vehicles. Besides consumer demand, they can receive support from the government, which can provide tax incentives to the owners. Within these periods, experts believe that manufacturers can already mass-produce the vehicles. In the process, they become cheaper to the public.

The growing need for these cars will also increase the demand for lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles. One thing is clear: with more e-vehicles on the road, the world can reduce carbon emissions. On average, a passenger car contributes nearly five metric tons of carbon dioxide each year, revealed that the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

2. Speed Limits and Camera Alerts on Google Maps

One of the significant disruptive technologies over the past years is the global positioning system (GPS). It helps make a confident driver. Google Maps takes it a step further, maximizing this tech to help improve driving skills and behaviors. For example, the app launches a new feature that will now allow drivers to receive notifications on speed limits and cameras.

Google has already rolled it on both Android and iOS mobile apps in selected countries. Drivers in countries such as the United States, Australia, and the UK can receive alerts on speed cameras. The United States, Denmark, and the UK can see the speed limits.

3. Digital Cockpits

car on the road

Automotive manufacturers are also learning how to make the most of the vehicle’s dashboard by introducing digital cockpits. Digital cockpits combine many features that can make driving a more personal and safer experience. For example, users can program them to show navigation, weather, and traffic on demand. Some of them can detect driver drowsiness, which is one of the primary causes of road accidents. Samsung designs capitalize on the Internet of things (IoT). Users can connect to smart appliances such as the fridge or lighting systems right inside the car.

What makes these technologies even better is the fact they are real – they are already happening. It won’t then be long before they follow the same path as the Model T. They become commercial so the rest of the world can benefit from them.

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