The Challenges of Being a New Mom

Motherhood is a blissful experience. However, the unrelenting demands of childcare in Taylorsville can cause women to navigate a state of temporary confusion. First-time mothers battle against self-doubt and uncertainty as they assume motherhood responsibilities.

Becoming a mother is a significant transition in a woman's life that involve difficulties and everyday stress. Here are some of the emotional and physical challenges that mothers experience when taking care of their firstborn:

1. Sleep loss

A newborn infant requires constant attention, which means you have to prioritize your child over your sleep schedule. According to a survey, most first time parents only get 5-6 hours of sleep every day. But even if they manage to sleep, they wake up feeling exhausted and lazy because of the stressful demands of infant care. 

Make up for your lost sleep by taking advantage of every opportunity to nap. A 30-minute nap will make you feel refreshed without suffering from sleep inertia or the groggy feeling when you wake up from a long sleep. Get the help you need by asking your husband to get up during the night if you feel that you need rest. Do not think twice when friends and family members offer to help so that you'll get a chance to sleep.

2. Breastfeeding

This is an empowering decision but could be extra challenging, especially during the first weeks. Most women suffer from hard, cracked, and sore nipples that make breastfeeding painful. They also get frustrated by latching difficulties, inadequate milk supply, and excessive milk production. 

Breastfeeding is always a challenge for first-timers. Most lactating moms learned the art of proper breastfeeding through the help of their mothers, in-laws, and other women who have breastfeeding experience. It will take time and practice before mastering the basics.

3. Reclaiming pre-baby body

A survey says that first-time mothers spend only 5% of their day on self-care and use the rest of their time to attend to their baby's needs. They don't have time for exercise despite their desire to regain their pre-baby body.

Pregnancy changes your body. You gain extra pounds, wider hips, varicose veins, and saggy breasts. While some of these changes can be repaired through time and the right routine, other changes can not be undone. You have to embrace the stretch marks and the extra weight. Don't let the incredible pictures of women that you see online affect your love for your body.

Mother returning to work

4. Returning to work

Being a mother does not save you from financial responsibilities. Maternity leaves do not change the reality that you'll have to go back to work regardless if you're prepared or you need a more extended break. 

Practice pumping to stock up on milk if you plan to continue breastfeeding after returning to work. It will not require too much time if you get familiar with the process. You also need to be comfortable with the idea of putting your baby to a daycare facility while you are at work.

Transitioning to motherhood is all about adjusting your schedules, priorities, and relationships. It's physically hard and emotionally draining, but remember that it's just a phase.

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