remote work concept

Remote Work Burnout? Three Attitudes You Need to Change

There are a lot of upsides to remote work. Gone is the 9 to 5 office hours that used to define the majority of your day. Now, you wake up later than usual and finish office tasks in your own time. The colleagues you can’t tolerate? It’s easier to endure a conversation with them now that all your communication is virtual. Your boss also mentioned that you seem to be more productive now than you were before, which motivates you to work even harder.

All these benefits make it’s easy to overlook the downside of the sudden shift in today’s work culture. These aforementioned benefits have their limits, and when you reach them, you start to feel the first signs of burnout. Sure, a much-needed break will help, but will it really prevent you from suffering from another burnout two weeks from now? When dealing with such a delicate matter, the best solution is to nip the problem at the bud. Address the triggers of our burnout now, and you’ll have better chances of improving your overall work performance in the future.

You Don’t Believe in Scheduling Breaks

Everyone takes breaks, but not everyone schedules them. Take a good look at today’s to-do list to see which tasks are included. There’s a greater chance of you noting your next meal than it is for you to schedule your break. What happens to most remote workers is that they get away from their computers only when it’s time to do other tasks. They never step back to take a deep breath and stretch.

Scheduling break times devoted to resting your eyes and fingers, standing quietly by the window while drinking tea, and meditating on your day are important. With all tasks and communication happening virtually, remote workers are more at risk of suffering physical, mental and emotional fatigue. Even fifteen-minute breaks scattered throughout your eight-hour workday can have immense benefits on your overall wellbeing.

Better still, schedule longer breaks by taking advantage of your PTO. It doesn’t matter if you’ll be at home anyway. Rest days give you a chance to reconnect with yourself and the things that make you happy, which can leave you refreshed enough for another week of hustling.

You Work to Avoid Other Problems

It’s sad but true: people do have the tendency to turn to their jobs to avoid other problems. The routine tasks and familiar atmosphere of work give you comfort. Whatever challenge you’ll encounter is solvable and not life-threatening. You’re more in control, and you’d rather have that any day.

Also, work brings in money, and money solves a lot of problems. If this has been the case for you, then it’s no wonder you’re suffering bouts of burnout. Work isn’t meant to be an escape from life’s challenges. Should you be in dire need of other things to preoccupy and de-stress you, invest in healthier alternatives. Sign up for piano lessons and turn music into your therapy. Bring your close friends along and turn every class into a happy memory.

Seeking an escape from the hard things in life is normal, but overworking yourself is one of the worst options you can choose. Manage your emotions through other activities, and seek the help of people you trust in confronting your problems. You’ll find that doing so will significantly diminish your stress and likelihood of another burnout.

You Want to Secure Your Job

group of employees

Job security is a top concern among many professionals nowadays. A lot of companies are still laying off employees to survive the pandemic, especially during the second wave. This may have been why you’re so fixated with working extra hours, doing better than everybody else, and pleasing your boss. You want to show that your productivity and commitment is unmatched.

While it’s not a bad goal, neglecting your health to achieve it is a bad means. Sooner or later, you’ll suffer from another burnout, and your fluctuating performance can have an impact on your evaluation. Consistency is also important at work. If you want to prove your worth to your company, then show them that you’re capable of work-life balance. Any good leader you speak with will attest that balance is a key attribute they look for in employees. Secure your job by focusing instead on being a well-rounded professional.

Attitude Means Everything

Addressing these three attitudes when it comes to remote work is essential in a healthy professional career. The longer you overlook bad work practices, the harder it will be to get over burnouts. So, schedule your breaks, develop other healthy habits, and pursue a balanced career. You’ll be surprised at how much better you’ll feel and perform at work.

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