employees next to each other

Strategies to Help Companies Retain Employees After the Pandemic

We are currently in a period of great uncertainty that causes anxiety and worries about what the future holds. As cases spike anew and the economy braces for yet another significant impact, it is no surprise that the pandemic is once again putting a substantial toll on most people’s mental health affecting every facet of life, especially for work and employee retention.

According to reports, employees who don’t feel supported or comfortable discussing their mental health issues in their workplaces are most likely to pack up and leave. What’s more, 75% of the younger generation admitted resigning from their jobs due to mental health reasons. Thus, companies need to be more proactive to help mitigate the increasing employee turnover and increase their operation and productivity.

Give pieces of training and seminars

Now is the best time for entrepreneurs to invest more in activities emphasizing proactive and preventive programs to help combat mental health issues in the workplace. Companies should also start establishing a standard practice in the office to foster a healthier work culture and a community that extends its support among peers. This will place them in an advantageous position to handle conflicts later on.

As the number of workers suffering from depression continues to rise, it is critical to dispel common myths, combat stigma, and develop the essential skills better to understand the different pressing issues at the workplace. This may be done through team buildings and seminars aiming to strengthen work-employee relationships.

In addition, companies need to consider introducing their workers to various e-learning courses available, including training and workshops striving to foster development for each organization, individuals, and professionals. For example, attending a structured CPD on psychotherapy, legal work, healthcare, accountancy, and other professions from various industries will help foster professional development, benefiting both ends later on.

Foster a culture of mentorship and coaching

Individuals in the modern workplace have evolved, and they no longer tolerate orders and commands they deem toxic and would hamper their growth. Therefore, managers need to restructure their approach by working with employees much like a mentor would do. This strategy can help organizations in assisting workers towards their personal and career development.

Companies can start by cultivating a management system that respects communication and development. For example, supervisors can reach out to workers who are struggling and may need assistance, and that they should take pleasure in the chance to impart skill sets and knowledge to their subordinates.

people huddling

Be more open

Whether we admit it or not, the pandemic has its positive effects, much as the negatives are. For one, it sheds light on the long talks and debates on various issues such as equal rights, discrimination at work, corporate bullying, and mental illnesses. Today, several celebrities and famous personalities have opened up about their struggles and battles against depression, anxiety, and stress, helping millions worldwide to get help and prioritize self-care.

Consequently, this approach extends this effectiveness in the corporate world. Workers will feel more comfortable communicating their issues, needs, and struggles if they see that their employers are human, capable of feeling emotions, dealing with struggles, and expressing genuine concern towards their people. This fosters a healthy relationship in the workplace, improving employee retention and productivity.

Moreover, according to research, honest leadership helps build trust among employees, enhancing their commitment and motivation to the organization. This means that only by understanding what’s going on will you assist in the resolution of any difficulties that arise. Thus, strive to be more inclusive and make sure to check in on your team and yourself, and be more open to adapting to changes in any situations and demands if need be.

Adjust strategies and practices as necessary

To minimize distress on all parties, be as open-minded and adaptable as possible while modifying rules and practices in response to the current global crisis and social unrest. For instance, consider reviewing your policies and procedures on paid holidays, paid sick leaves, and flexible working hours, including time off from answering emails, especially outside working hours.

Moreover, instead of evaluating employees based on tight objectives and standards, try to redefine performance appraisal as a chance to be compassionate and a learning opportunity. Finally, when making adjustments, clearly state your aim to assist your employees, whether it’s hovering around mental health, productivity, or workplace conflict.

The advantages of having a better and healthier work-life balance for any company are enormous as happiness and productivity increase. In addition, your reputation will get better recognition for taking care of its employees, attracting the right talent, and assisting in hiring and retaining top performers.

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