office landscape

How to Take Advantage of your Office’s Landscape

As a top tech corporation, Microsoft’s offices (or “campuses,” as people call them) always leave quite an impression on its employees, partners, and visitors. It’s a center of technological innovation. So it breeds creativity and ingenuity. Because campuses of tech corporations tend to be sprawling across vast areas of land, they have much more room to play around with the design of the buildings and, of course, the landscape design. So when Microsoft opened its campus in Redmond, Washington, people constantly talked about it. One of the things that they constantly talked about is the area of tree houses.

Deep within the greenery of the campus are tree houses where Microsoft employees could hold meetings or enjoy some quiet time as they worked. It’s powered by electricity. It has a strong Wi-Fi connection. And, most of all, it’s surrounded by nature. This proves the importance of franchising lawn care companies and other landscaping services.

To develop the landscape of the Redmond campus, Microsoft worked with one of the top landscape architecture firms in the world, Berger Partnership. They worked with the OLIN Studio. This proves that, when it comes to landscaping, companies spare no expense when they can. And it’s because it can lead to many benefits.

Reduce your Company’s Costs

As demonstrated by Microsoft, developing the landscape of your office entails many expenses. You have to cover the costs of the materials needed. You have to pay for the services of the contractors. And, of course, you have to also cover the work of the landscape architects that you hire. But these expenses can lead to economic rewards later by reducing your costs in the long run.

Surrounding your office with trees, shrubs, and other greenery, the temperature around you cools. Your employees can enjoy cool air by just opening up a few windows. This way, they won’t have to fire up the air conditioner. During the colder months, the trees can help, too, by bearing the brunt of cold winds and drafts that may come your office’s way. This way, you’re also reducing the energy costs that come from heating systems.

If the landscape of your office is planned right, you can reduce your energy costs by up to 25 percent. It may not seem much now. Especially so if we compare it to the costs that came with developing the landscape. But the return of investment would be so much more in the long run.

office plant

Attract More Visitors and Even Paying Customers

The thing about well-known offices such as Microsoft is that they attract a lot of visitors all-year-round. Yes, they are places of business. It’s not necessary for visitors and even tourists to be there. But that doesn’t mean that companies discourage them from ever visiting.

For example, Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, California attracts many visitors. Although visitors can only access certain parts of it, they can easily enjoy the landscape of it. One of the most popular spots is the garden with Android lawn statues. These statues made from foam are based on Google’s Android mobile operating system. Together with the statues are sculptures of sweets ranging from gingerbread men to M&Ms.

You can do something similar with your office. By developing green, open spaces and making them accessible to the public, you can draw more attention from visitors. You can set up kiosks and shops around it, too. This way, your visitors turn into paying customers. Thus, you’re also drawing more revenue for your company.

Improve your Employee’s Productivity and Morale

As any company would know, the success of business stems from the work of the employees. If they are happy, productive, and efficient in the office, then it would lead to more output and more revenue. This is why, as the employer, you should always look for ways to improve your employees’ experience in the company. And one of the ways to do that is by developing the landscape of your office.

Studies have shown that the incorporation of nature in the workplace can lead to an increase in productivity, reaching up to eight percent. It also leads to a 13 percent increase in well-being.

To promote people’s connection to nature as they work, you can set up outdoor workspaces. Employees can use them for meetings. If they want some peace and quiet as they work, they can work there as well. It may not be like the tree houses of Microsoft. But it has similar effects on the employees.

When thinking about your office’s design, never forget about the outdoor spaces. If you have access to an open space, make sure to utilize them. Not only will they bring in more revenue, but they will also improve the disposition of your employees.

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